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Disrupting the employee engagement arena is one of our goals at Anova and so it seemed only fitting that our COO Jenny Winspear is presenting at the world’s most disruptive HR event this March 🤩
Sign up for tickets and hear how the employee experience is experienced by more than just your employees 🧐 We guarantee the talk will get you talking!
DisruptHR is a global movement designed to energise, inform and empower people in the fields of people, business and the future of work. Once in a while an event series is born that shakes things up, it makes you think differently, it leaves you inspired. That event is DisruptHR. The format is fresh; 14 speakers, just five minutes each, and slides rotate every 15 seconds. Over 200 global cities have hosted this phenomenon, in six continents.
Disrupt HR 2024: HR, meet PR: the employee Experience by Anova
21 February 2024
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